Monday, January 18, 2010

The not-so-express lane

I think the concept of the express lane at store check-outs has officially become lost on the service provider.
Why on earth would you put the oldest or the most cognitively challenged individual on the express check-out? It's not just another register than needs manned; it's the damn express check-out. This means that the average shopper, attempting to purchase 10 items or less, can expect to be through the line in two minutes or less (use of the debit/check card included in that 120 seconds).

Why did I just spend 11 minutes in line waiting to pay for my two items? There were four individuals in line in front of me with what appeared to be maybe 10 items total between the four of them, but the old, challenged Korean woman took her sweet arsed time processing their transactions. I was wondering if I was just in one of those moods where the slightest pause can make me feel like time is moving slower than it really is, but it was not the case. I noticed the "regular" check out next to us was processing the person who got into his line the same time I got into mine (I know this because I was pissed he beat me to the registers, and, to make it appear as though he hadn't beat me, I made it appear as though I was headed for the express checkout all along).

Now, I get that I am in Korea and that Koreans could care less about our express checkouts and other conveniences, but if this is happening within the post exchange (PX) on the military base, which makes it an American corporation, I have the right to expect an express checkout.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

What about our own?

While I agree that the earthquake in Haiti is a tragic happenstance, I am amazed by how much money the United States committed to help the Haitians.
I understand that they need support after what has happened, but if our government has that much money set aside to assist those in a bad way, how it is possible the United States has homeless people?

The United States government needs to invest in its own, for a change. There are so many people who are homeless, WHICH INCLUDES VETERANS, that it hardly seems rational that our government would commit so much money to help another country's people and not its own. I, for one, am tired of the political agenda. U.S. politician's are more worried about what the world would say if they didn't help the Haitians than they are about what their own people would say.

For the people by the people?


I intend to use this blog as a place to post my thoughts and commentary about issues that warrant a closer look.

I welcome any/all comments and input.